Frost Navy BLUE Subway

Frost Navy BLUE Subway

Latest Subways from Spain  –  Perfect for Splash backs, Feature walls

Come with a sprinkling of Gloss on a hand-made Satin base

Ceramic  –  Cushion Edge  –  Satin Finish

Wall only  (not Floor)  –  V1 low Variation

Available in 5 x beautiful Colours:

White,  Mint (lt water),  Emerald Green,  Navy Blue,  Charcoal

50 x 250 mm  –  RRP is $ 122.00 / sqm

Sold as 80 pieces / 1 sqm per Box

Discounts are Available for Larger Quantities

Made by “eStudio” Factory in Spain

Stock ex Brisbane QLD, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC

GC 3

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